Franklin H. James Sr., published in Ketchikan Daily News, November 4, 2022
Dan Ortiz has proven himself to be a good, experienced skipper who will not hit any rocks, reefs or islands, or most of all, Dan will not lead us astray. We are confident he will advocate for the interest of all people, including the Native community, and for the Tsimshian, Haida and Tlingit people.
As a tribal citizen, I/we believe that Dan Ortiz is the best choice for the District 1 state House. He has worked to fund capital budget increases for critical projects in Wrangell and Metlakatla, and partnered with tribes to protect Alaska’s transboundary rivers and subsistence salmon harvest from Canadian mining.
Dan’s seniority in the state House benefits all of us in District 1. That’s why I and my family are supporting Dan Ortiz for State House in District 1 on Nov. 8, and we encourage you to help us in suporting Dan.